More Than You Could Ask or Imagine

More Than You Could Ask or Imagine

Welcome to a new year! A whole year now in front of us. So much potential! But what will you do with it? Some of us are starting 2019 with a resolution to eat right, exercise, save more money, sleep more (or less), spend more time with the kids, put our screens down, you name it. All good stuff! But what does God have for us this year? Now that's an important question! The answer is, "Infinitely more than you could ask for or imagine." Join us this episode as Kevin leads us into an exploration of what God has for us to experience this year!



Search the internet and you'll find outrageous statistics about how many choices we make every day. Some choices take a few seconds while others take a lifetime, but every choice we make has an impact on the quality of our lives and the lives of those around us. In this episode, guest speaker, Rand Tucker, Pastor of the Hyde Park Vineyard will address the most important choice you will make in 2019, and the impact that it will have on your life throughout the year.

To Know a King

To Know a King

How do we relate to a king? It's a bewildering question! We Americans don't have much experience being in relationship with human kings, much less the King of kings and the Lord of lords. And yet, we are invited to not only recognize Jesus as the King, but to live in perfect relationship with King Jesus. Most Christians in our day don't fully recognize what it means to be in relationship with Jesus as King. The problem is, if we miss the meaning of His identity as King, and our identity as royal sons and daughters, we miss out on our essential God-ordained identity, mission, and even delight. Join us this Sunday at Thrive as Kevin explores how to thrive in relationship to the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

All is Calm

All is Calm

This Christmas we go on a journey together to have our eyes and hearts captivated by the wonder of the King. We are surrounded by wonder if we dare to capture what has been given in this season. Are you feeling the rush of the season? Feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all? There is a calm that can be heard and known during this most wonderful time of the year. It’s time to trade in your rush for a hush and to tune into the wonder of quiet instead!

UNAFRAID: Taking Thoughts Captive

UNAFRAID: Taking Thoughts Captive

Want to worry less?  Want to shake free from fear?  Want to live in power over your thought life?  In this episode Molly goes after making practical steps from this invitation from God:  2 Cor. 10:5 - We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Get ready to take some captives!

UNAFRAID: One Step at a Time

UNAFRAID: One Step at a Time

We all battle with fear, anxiety and depression once in a while. Struggle is part of the human condition. But can we experience (significantly!) more peace, joy and hope than we are currently?  According to Jesus, the answer is YES! On this episode, Kevin shares some practical, biblical practices that actually bring more peace and hope into our every day lives.